The song's narrative portrays a man with strong homosexual desires, and it is the first Rammstein music video to feature nudity since the video for their cover of Depeche Mode 's " Stripped ". The text, which deals with the subject of homosexuality in terms of content, remains largely ambiguous in its message, dealing with both homophilia and homophobia. We definitely didn't intend to write a gay anthem. Of course it is a critical topic how a heterosexual person deals with the topic of a homosexual person. Maybe we can contribute to defusing the word ' gay ' a bit and relativise the negative touch. In the further lyrics of the song, homophobia is also made an issue several times. In between, the negatively connoted German exclamation Schwule! In the process, the first four stanzas create a quasi- homosexual utopia with partly subtle but also relatively clear allusions. Rammstein singer Till Lindemann uses a deliberately soft singing style that differs from his otherwise masculine singing voice. The chorus, which is much more expressive and aggressive, uses everyday language, including the phrase Gleich und gleich gesellt sich gern "Birds of a feather flock together". Christian Diemer, musicologist and Germanistsubjected both the music video and the lyrics to a deeper hermeneutic examination, and came to the following conclusion:. The text-based findings indicate that contrary expressions of opinion of varying degrees of explicitness and diffuseness are staged, partly in clearly assigned textual elements, partly on the micro-level of ambiguity and metaphors. It shows the band members performing on a dark stage while almost entirely naked, aside from frontman Till Lindemannwho wears long black hair extensions, thigh-high feminine high-heeled bootsand a set of black latex briefs. The rest of the band members wear only black army boots, with their instruments covering their genitals. The video alternates between the band playing and scenes of a writhing group of naked, muscular, oiled men on the same dark stage. It starts to rain on the band during the bridge of the song, and a frenzied Lindemann screams as a forked tongue flicks from his mouth. The tempo of the song then changes to a melodic pace as the band members then crowd-surf over the oiled and naked men. Lindemann becomes a kind of winged demonwith the hands and arms of naked men Rammstein Sex Music Video up towards him and worshipping him; the song's tempo changes back to its frenzied pace. The group of men with the band members begin to wrestle and fight with one another as it rains on them. Screaming again, Lindemann starts to rip his hair out as the song closes. Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read Edit View history. Tools Tools. What links here Related changes Upload file Special pages Permanent link Page information Cite this page Rammstein Sex Music Video shortened URL Download QR code. Download as PDF Printable version. In other projects. Wikidata item. Background and songwriting [ edit ]. Music video [ edit ]. Track listings [ edit ]. Enhanced CD single [ edit ]. Australian version [ edit ]. Charts [ edit ]. References [ edit ]. In Helms, Dietrich; Phelps, Thomas eds. Ware Inszenierungen. Performance, Vermarktung und Authentizität in der populären Musik in German. Bielefeld : Transcript Verlag. ISBN Ö3 Austria Top Retrieved 20 March
Kruspe - lead guitar, backing vocals Oliver "Ollie" Riedel - bass Christoph "Doom" Schneider - drums Till Lindemann - lead vocals Paul Landers - rhythm guitar, backing vocals Christian "Flake" Lorenz - keyboards. Fades into Herzeleid. Till Lindemann. Things go From Bad to Worse when the child discovers their sister was killed by a suitor. Music » Rammstein.
Till Lindemann schockt mit Sex-Video zu "Platz 1"
-Te Quiero Puta. -Zwitter. Rammstein - Sex (English CC/Lyrics/Subtitles) · educatedmarine · Rammstein - Moskau (Official Lyric Video) · Deutschland · Zerstören · Rammstein -. Depending on who you're with: Pussy. Background List of Rammstein songs · List of Rammstein music videos. -Heirate Mich. -Mein Teil. › watch. -Laichzeit. Last. Sex is the fifth song on the album Rammstein by Rammstein. -Mannn Gegen Mann.They have had the same lineup since they first began in , to the point where they haven't even changed their placement on stage during live shows since their inception. It's described or mentioned in "Seemann", "Nebel", "Reise Reise" the ocean , "Donaukinder," "Mutter", a river , "Spieluhr" the rain , "Feuer und Wasser", "Bück Dich" which uses tears as a metaphor for sperm , "Laichzeit", "Alter Mann", "Mann Gegen Mann", "Waidmanns Heil", Scenes showing the aftermath and the band being arrested have Flake notably absent apart from a large In Memoriam picture of him , implying that he died when the bomb detonated. Rammstein: Deep Cuts. As of now, the Made in Germany Tour was the last tour that featured the song as a part of the setlist. The band calls it "Tanz Metall" dance metal. Bild: dpa. A-G And I Must Scream : The victim in "Stein Um Stein" is being held captive, abused, and raped by the lyrical self, who repeatedly says "Ich werde immer bei dir sein Their concerts routinely fire a flamethrower just above the front rows, which are literally named "Die Feuerzone The Fire Zone. Roter Sand Rammstein. Kruspe - lead guitar, backing vocals Oliver "Ollie" Riedel - bass Christoph "Doom" Schneider - drums Till Lindemann - lead vocals Paul Landers - rhythm guitar, backing vocals Christian "Flake" Lorenz - keyboards. A Rammstein is also a medieval door stopper, literally "ramming stone", which could also be a penis joke, which would be in character for the band. Mein Land Rammstein. Two singlecam recordings exist. Völkerball note "Dodgeball" - A recording of their tour also available as a live album. Deutschland Radio Zeig dich Ausländer Sex Puppe Was ich liebe Diamant Weit weg Tattoo Hallomann. Liebe ist für alle da Rammstein. Wer Till Lindemanns neues Musikvideo sehen will, landet auf einer kostenpflichtigen Erotikseite. One-Woman Wail : The finale to "Sonne". Till even had to justify himself for the way he rolls his "R"s, explaining that it just comes to him naturally whenever he sings in a baritone octave. Christian Diemer, musicologist and Germanist , subjected both the music video and the lyrics to a deeper hermeneutic examination, and came to the following conclusion:. Hallomann Rammstein. Information Biography Discography Videography Tour dates Song list Merchandise. Charts [ edit ]. What's worse is that the narrator of the song seems to be aware that what they're doing is wrong, which is why they tell their victim to stop screaming and fighting back. Themen: Oralsex Penis Rammstein Sex Till Lindemann. An example being the return of the sparkling gloves, which Till would hide behind his back. Wuhlheide, Berlin. Information Discography Videography Tour dates Song list Merchandise. But, as a twist on "Mein Land", the end of the clip ends in in a pile of man making out. Bin ich schöner, zerschneid mir das Gesicht note If I'm more beautiful, cut apart my face Bin ich stärker, brich feige mein Genick note If I'm stronger, cowardly break my spine Bin ich klüger, töte mich und iss mein Hirn note If I'm smarter, kill me and eat my brains Hab ich dein Weib, dann töte mich und iss mich ganz auf! Wir informieren Sie gerne. In fact, it was still in its demo stage and therefore known by its working title Der Bringer. Von news. The combination of languages and the contrast between the metal and pop elements was meant to imply that love transcends all boundaries.