This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Without cookies your experience may not be seamless. The focus of this book is on German-speaking Jews as well as their representations within German-speaking cultures. While we have some comparative examples to frame this material, we recognize that there are alternative models My Privat Home Blowjob Hochstadt Jewish identity beyond those employed in this study Enlightenment, emancipation, urbanization. Geschiere, Perils of Belonging Kane, Constructing Irish National Identity Beck, Cosmopolitan Vision2. Neusner, Self-Fulfilling Prophecy. Davies, Territorial Dimension. Alcalay, After Jews and Arabs The superb work of Gruen, Rethinking the Otheron Jews in antiquity reveals that a complicated sense of home and place in general extends much further back than is often assumed. Wolfe, At Home in Exile17 hereafter cited in the text as W. Sznaider, Jewish Memory61 hereafter cited in the text as Sz. Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities6—7. Veer, Imperial Encounters Asad, Formations of the Secular. Robbins, Perpetual War Berger, Sacred Canopyand Taylor, Secular Agehave respectively framed and contested this basic debate within cosmopolitanist theory from the mid-twentieth century. Slezkine, Jewish Century Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers— See Baldry, The Unity of Mankind— Dee, General and Rare Memorials This text remains a touchstone for much of the contemporary debates, pro and con, about cosmopolitanism. Appiah, Cosmopolitanism63 hereafter cited in the text as A. Brennan, At Home in the World. Lallement, Choix de rapportstranslation by the authors. Berkovitz, Rites and Passages Wieland, Private History On the status of the Jews in Enlightenment cosmopolitan argument see Schlereth, The Cosmopolitan Ideal— See also Muller, Capitalism and the Jews. Bauman, Liquid Modernity; Derrida, Jewish Identity and Liquid Times. Compare Feldt, Transnationalism and the Jews. Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities19— Soyer, Persecution of the Jews and Muslims. Gilman, Multiculturalism and the Jews. Vieten, Gender and Cosmopolitanism7. Deleuze and Guattari, Thousand Plateaus—
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