Volledig verslag van de vergaderingen van 19 mei Bekendmaking van de uitslag van de stemming: zie notulen. Omgang met de uitdaging van de wereldwijde COVIDpandemie: de gevolgen van opheffing van de Trips-Overeenkomst van de WTO voor COVIDvaccins en de behandeling, uitrusting en vergroting van de productiecapaciteit in ontwikkelingslanden debat. Augusto Santos Silva, President-in-Office of the Council. More than one year since the outbreak of the COVID pandemic, the epidemiological situation remains serious, particularly in light of the different variants that have emerged in this context. We all share the same objectives. These are to rapidly develop and manufacture safe and effective therapeutics and vaccines and to distribute them equitably across the world. On 25 March, the members of the European Council highlighted that to overcome the current crisis, it was essential to accelerate the production, delivery and deployment of vaccines. Work on a vaccine-sharing mechanism must complement and support COVAX. Basta Ficken Sechs Labern Eins is worth noting here that the European Union is a major exporter of vaccines to the rest of the world and a significant contributor to the COVAX Facility. On the issue of a waiver of the TRIPS Agreement, as recently mentioned by Presidents Charles Michel and Ursula von der Leyen, the European Union is willing to discuss any concrete proposals on intellectual property rights for vaccines. Regarding the announcement by the United States, we need to have more information to understand what the United States is planning to propose. It seems that the US proposal is different from the proposal made by India and South Africa. However, I wish to reiterate that in the current situation, speed and manufacturing capacity are the top issues. This is why, in the short term, the European Union's priority is to increase the production of COVID vaccines to achieve global vaccination. The EU considers that the TRIPS Agreement and the intellectual property system are part of the solution. They reflect a careful balance between protecting intellectual property on the one hand and promoting widespread access to medicines and healthcare on the other hand. That is why we should concentrate on harnessing the flexibility that already exists in the TRIPS Agreement. In particular, the European Union is ready to support a statement that reaffirms the Agreement's flexibility. Such a statement might confirm that, during a pandemic, the obligation to negotiate with the rights-holder can be put aside and the compulsory licence can cover exports to all countries that lack manufacturing capacity. Moreover, the European Union considers that the WTO and TRIPS framework offer many other possibilities that will help to attain our objectives. Increasing transparency of supply chains to tackle bottlenecks, streamlining customs procedures and eliminating export restrictions are some examples of these possibilities. These elements are also included in the initiative by the European Union and its co-sponsors on trade and health. The initiative aims to establish a global cooperation scheme to remove unnecessary barriers to trade in times of health crises. Collaboration on therapeutics at global level is also crucial. The EU will intensify its cooperation with lower and middle-income countries to strengthen their health systems and healthcare workforce. Finally, I would like to stress that we remain committed to opening a comprehensive dialogue in the WTO and other international fora. Valdis Dombrovskis, Executive Vice-President of the Commission. Today, thanks to the strong and coordinated EU response, we can say with cautious optimism that we are turning the corner in the fight against this devastating pandemic in Europe. But Europe's responsibilities do not end at our borders. We have always been mindful of the need for global solidarity, and we have demonstrated our solidarity with meaningful action because no one is safe until everyone is safe. So what has the European Union done so far? First, we have spearheaded research and innovation for the development of safe and effective vaccines. Second, we have supported industry to increase production of vaccines and address the main supply-chain bottlenecks. Fourth, we have massively financed the COVAX facility and shared our vaccines via COVAX, up to 67 million doses so far, as well as bilaterally. Team Europe is working to significantly ramp up donations through COVAX in the second half of Vaccine-sharing announced by EU Member States amounts Basta Ficken Sechs Labern Eins So it is very clear that we have led the way, but as the fight is far from over more can and must be done. At this crucial moment, universal and fair access to vaccines and treatments must be the global community's number one priority.
Ich streckte mich und nahm sein Handy vom Nachttisch. We also have not yet received the announced revised text by the co-sponsors of the India and South Africa proposal. Vielleicht soll das auch einfach nicht sein. We need them to be on board and solve the problem together. For better or for worse, we are not alone in this competition: there is, and there will be a global race, a global need for the most talented. Una gestione pessima, che ha generato un ritardo anche sul certificato per tornare a viaggiare.
Aller Anfang ist schwer...
1. Opening van de vergadering. Doch Sharon Hummels hat ja noch ihren besten Freund, der ausgerechnet der gut. Lyssna på Dimple Minds - Ficken, Rocken, Tennissocken på nätet och se vilka album den finns på. Volledig verslag van de vergaderingen van 19 mei PRESIDENZA: ROBERTA METSOLA. [Hook] Mach keine Faxen, Bitch Das ist Atzen Ich bin am ficken, und du hängst vor der Glotze Ich mache Party am Abend. Viċi President. Skrobbla låtar och få rekommendationer om andra låtar och. Sie ist 15, Schülerin eines Gymnasiums und in der Liebe nicht allzu erfahren. Heut wird gefickt und basta!Today, thanks to the strong and coordinated EU response, we can say with cautious optimism that we are turning the corner in the fight against this devastating pandemic in Europe. It should respect national competences, treat Member States on an equal footing, avoid double standards and work only with reliable sources. Doch Sharon Hummels hat ja noch ihren besten Freund, der ausgerechnet der gut aussehende und berühmte Marco Reus ist. Owszem mamy system Kovacs, ale czy w stu procentach zaspokaja on zapotrzebowanie? Er lächelte. Es bräuchte in Europa wirklich eine echte Grundrechteagentur für uns Europäer — nur die bestehende Agentur, die erfüllt diesen Auftrag nicht. Ich ging langsam ins Schlafzimmer und schmiss mich dann aufs Bett und weinte einfach. In its wake so will segregation. Mehr Infos Zustimmen Abbruch. Auch die globale Verteilung von Impfstoffen wird durch den zunehmenden bilateralen Wettbewerb zwischen den Produzenten wohlhabender Staaten eingeschränkt. Mit dem gemeinsamen Ziel vor Augen, die Pandemie zu besiegen und allen EU-BürgerInnen schnellstmöglich Normalität und Sicherheit zu garantieren, stehen uns zunehmend Patente und der Schutz geistigen Eigentums als Hindernisse im Weg. Man kann dich richtig ficken…auch wenn man aufpassen muss! Wie am Anfang unserer Beziehung und wie in Monaco! Because, unfortunately, to produce a vaccine much more than a patent is needed. So, please let's avoid and mind the gap, there is just more than the waiver of the patents. In fact, even under Trump, the US was more attractive to migrants than the European Union. Du beleidigst mich hier, als ob ich sonst was gemacht habe! Neue Videos. Text Hören Bleib wie du bist. Carlo Fidanza ECR. Ich ging raus und schloss sie wieder. In the short term, the travel restrictions imposed by all EU countries have implied the temporary closure of most labour migration channels, and the administrative capacity of national migration and consular authorities have also been severely affected. I call on the Council and the Commission to keep a comprehensive approach towards expanding global production. Reimbursements from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development requested by the Czech authorities for the projects concerned were suspended. Willst du dich einfach mal so trennen oder was? The Commission is responsible for the implementation of the budget and the recovery of unjustified payments, and it is the Commission that has conducted an audit into this matter. Wir alle drei nickte und folgten ihm dann zum Buffet. Increasing transparency of supply chains to tackle bottlenecks, streamlining customs procedures and eliminating export restrictions are some examples of these possibilities. Na wenigstens hat er ein schlechtes Gewissen. Ich liege hier im Bett mit dir und dein bester Freund und mein Freund ist paar Zimmer weiter! As we speak, many political prisoners are sitting in jail in Spain and hundreds of Catalan citizens suffer persecution for exercising their right to protest.