Scientists of the Institute of Geogrpahy publish more than journal articles per year as well as numerous book chapters and other publications. Additionally, several monogrpahs as well as editied books appear each year. The Institutes provides its publications via the University's repository BORIS. Hartmann, Sarah Smoothness as a quality of care: An STS approach to transnational healthcare mediation. Pesticide residues in European sediments: a significant concern for the aquatic systems? Environmental research, Hajdukiewicz, Hanna ; Hajdukiewicz, Maciej Huren Asiatin Hoa Wang Ruiz-Villanueva, Virginia ; Radecki-Pawlik, Artur ; Zawiejska, Joanna Exploring historical changes in mountain river hydrodynamics induced by human impact. The Science of the total environment,p. Elsevier Identifying pesticides of high concern for ecosystem, plant, animal, and human health: A comprehensive field study across Europe and Argentina. An Autoethnographic Exploration of My Breast Cancer Journey: Egg Freezing, Childfreeness, and "Going Flat". Health Communication, 39 11pp. Egg freezing, genetic relatedness, and motherhood: A binational empirical bioethical investigation of women's views. Bioethics, 38 7pp. Wiley Flo, Victor ; Joshi, Jaideep ; Sabot, Manon ; Sandoval, David ; Prentice, Iain Colin Incorporating photosynthetic acclimation improves stomatal optimisation models. Bouwmeester, Josje ; Hartmann, Thomas ; Ay, Deniz ; Gerber, Jean-David Making room for affordable housing: Project-based negotiations between planning authorities and landowners in Dutch and Swiss densification. Land use policy, Huren Asiatin Hoa Wang, p. Elsevier Science Editorial: Expanding knowledge geographies. Geographica Helvetica, 79 3pp. Copernicus Schutte, Michael K. Dynamics of stratospheric wave reflection over the North Pacific EGUsphere. Copernicus Publications Xiao, Xiongxin ; He, Tao ; Liang, Shuang ; Liang, Shunlin ; Liu, Xinyan ; Ma, Yichuan ; Wan, Jun Towards a gapless 1 km fractional snow cover via a data fusion framework. ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing,pp. URycki, Dawn R. A new flow path: eDNA connecting hydrology and biology. WIREs Water Wiley Eriksen, Christine Coexisting with wildfire: strengthening collective capacity by changing the status quo. Fire Ecology, 20 59 Springer Belina, Bernd ; Freytag, Tim ; Hannah, Matt ; Henn, Sebastian ; Hilbrandt, Hanna ; Hutta, Jan ; Kramer, Caroline ; Kühne, Olfaf ; Marquardt, Nadine ; Mattissek, Annika ; Michel, Boris ; Pfaffenbach, Carmella ; Volgmann, Kati ; Vorbrugg, Alexander Editorial: Geographische Fachzeitschriften aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum - Ein Aufruf zur Debatte und Unterstützung. Rundbrief Geographiepp. Carbon-phosphorus cycle models overestimate CO2 enrichment response in a mature Eucalyptus forest.
Verheij, Berit Jessica 31 August His latest publication Alneng, on Zen tourism is a pioneering attempt to understand pilgrimage tourism in Vietnam. Hamilton, J. Wie schon Vorlaufer , S. Considering the large size of the human skin with 1. Small Wins through Inducement Prizes: Introducing Challenge-Oriented Regional Prizes CORP.
Institute of Geography
Coronavirus an die Öffentlichkeit. Im Dezember drangen aus Wuhan erste Nachrichten über ein neuartiges. Ob für Dich allein, die ganze Familie oder größere Gruppen, bei uns kannst du topaktuelle E-Rad-Modelle ausleihen. Knapp vier Monate später. Wir haben für jedes Gelände. This study investigates the. (Rhizophoraceae), commonly known as Asiatic mangrove, has been used traditionally among Asian countries as folk medicine. Seeking to pass his art, Wang buys. In a remote area of China, in the s, a street performer named Wang practices the change-mask opera art of bian lian.After the sun: a nanoscale comparison of the surface chemical composition of UV and soil weathered plastics. Parnwell Eds. NZZ , Rivastigmine has proven cognitive efficacy in clinical trials, and data suggest that its action is mediated, in part, by inhibition of BuChE. In: Nehrlich, Thomas ; Strobl, Michael eds. Arisugacins were obtained as white powders from the culture broth together with three known compounds, territrems B and C and cyclopenin that also showed selective inhibition against AChE. NeoBiota, 93, pp. An in vitro screening method for selective acetylcholinesterase AChE inhibitors was established. Die Nationale Liga der Familien amerikanischer Gefangener und Vermisster National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia gehört zu den rund 50 privaten Veteranenorganisationen in den Vereinigten Staaten [ 86 ] und gedenkt der Kriegsgefangenen und Vermissten des Vietnamkriegs. Office of the Secretary Washington, DC englisch. The survey was carried out in Vietnamese over a three-week period in October Schurr, Carolin ; Marquardt, Nadine ; Militz, Elisabeth Orlowski, Natalie ; Rinderer, Michael ; Dubbert, Maren ; Ceperley, Natalie ; Hrachowitz, Markus ; Gessler, Arthur ; Rothfuss, Youri ; Sprenger, Matthias ; Heidbüchel, Ingo ; Kübert, Angelika ; Beyer, Matthias ; Zuecco, Giulia ; McCarter, Colin The Ulysses factor: Evaluating visitors in tourist settings. As villagers respect each other, they themselves force their visitors to stop, and consequently this rule works efficiently. Swiss Geographical Association ASG. Eine zusätzliche. Zhihong, B. Wenn ich das alles wie einen Film in meiner Vorstellung ablaufen lasse, bekomme ich immer eine Gänsehaut, als würde ich die inzwischen extrem abgekühlte Strahlung tatsächlich spüren. Cholinesterase inhibitors used to treat the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease AD inhibit both acetylcholinesterase AChE and butyrylcholinesterase BuChE , albeit to different degrees. Al , which shown the lC50 of 5. Formation of CBDP by in-house expressed recombinant human Ps 1A2 and 3A4 was proven by both LC-MS and GC-MS analysis. Nashville TN. This prospective study of 35 "endoscopic Berlin- Buch reversed Nuss" repairs intends to establish indications for this improved technique. Something between 20 and 50 Percent - Understanding heterogeneous implementation of added value capture in Switzerland. All the compounds were characterized by 1H- and 13C-NMR spectroscopy and elemental analysis.